Giving Back
We believe in kindness and compassion to all living things, which is why animal welfare is extremely important to us. Like us, they deserve kindness, safety, love, and happiness. Seeing an animal get a second chance at a happy and thriving life is a rewarding experience.
Gentle Barn sponsorship of Remington, a donkey rescued along with Chance by a family from an auction. Remington was young, scared, and emaciated. Remi and his BFF Chance are sweet and playful and have found their happily ever after with us at The Gentle Barn. When the Missouri location closed, both donkeys were relocated to the Gentle Barn California.

Another organization we believe in continually giving back to is the Mojave Desert Land Trust. So much of our art and inspiration comes from the floral and fauna of the desert, particularly the Mojave Desert. Preserving its natural beauty and cultural values is paramount for future generations. The area is the ancestral home to Serrano, Chemehuevi, Mojave Cahuilla, and Mojave people.
City of Dreams San Francisco serves youth ages 8 and up living in San Francisco’s low-income and public housing communities. They offer a variety of experiential events to enhance the learning process and allow youth to develop the skills needed to achieve their goals.
Black Girls Code empowers girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, to become leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology.
The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA of Burlingame, California and The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind.